- Version 2018-2019
- Download 1104
- File Size 150 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 13, 2021
- Last Updated January 13, 2021
Culture and Arts Education is a field of specialization engaged (i) in clarifying the conceptual foundations of value-laden creative expressions such as visual arts, music, drama, and dance, (ii) in defining its relations to other disciplines of thought and action that address the fundamental question of what it means to creatively express the condition of being human in changing life-worlds, (iii) in analyzing the conditions and possibilities for crafting and asserting creative expressions of being human diverse contexts, and (iv) in developing programs responsive to local and global contexts of production, circulation, and consumption of creative expressions. It aims to develop highly motivated and reflexive teachers in basic education equipped with knowledge, skills and values in culture and arts education.