Step 1: Application
- Applicants must report to the Office of Admissions
- Applicants must provide the Original Transcript of Record with remarks “for reference purpose” or Certificate of Grades (All semesters taken, preferably with GPA).
- The admission officer will evaluate the student for the following criteria:
3. 1 Availability of slot to the intended academic program;
3. 2 Applicant must have completed at least 36 credit units of college courses;
3. 3 Applicants must not have failed more than 25 percent of the subjects taken during the last semester; and
3.4 Only applicant who have enrolled in any course leading to a degree program is admitted as transferees. - The Admission officer will inform the applicant about the status of their Initial evaluation:
4.1 If not qualified , the applicant will be notified stating the reason/s for disqualification and will not be required to proceed with the process; or
4.2 If found qualified, the Admission Officer will give an Application for Enrollment and endorse the applicant to the department for Evaluation. - The applicant will return to OAD for the result from the department evaluation:
5.1 If not qualified, the applicant may decide not to continue the application or opt to apply to another academic program; or
5.2 If found qualified, the applicant will be inform regarding the enrollment schedule and will be given:
5.2.1 Evaluation Sheet for Advance Credit; and
5.2.2 Checklist
Step 2: Registration
- The Student must follow with set schedule for enrollment for transferees.
- Submit an Original and Photocopy of the complete credentials, as follows:
- Application for Enrollment”;
- Evaluation Sheet for Advance Credit;
- Checklist;
- Transcript of Record with remarks “for reference purpose” or Certificate of Grades (All semesters taken, preferably with GPA);
- Certificate of Good moral character;
- Certificate of honorable dismissal or transfer credential; and
- Birth certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Agency (PSA or NSO)
- The admission officer will give to the applicant the following forms for compliance:
- Enrollment Form
- University Admission Slip
- The accomplished forms together with the Original credentials will be submitted to the Office of Admissions (Log in Credentials).
- The admission officer will verify the completeness of the credentials and will endorse the applicant to the Records-in-Charge (RIC) of the Registration and Student Records and Evaluation Unit (RSREU).
- The RIC will advise the transferee for the course (subject) they need to enroll using the prescribe mode of enrollment.
- The transferee will select and enroll their available course (subject) using the prescribed mode of enrollment.
- Student covered by Free Higher Education (FHE) or with scholarship grant proceed to download Registration Form.
- The Student not covered by FHE or Scholarship grant will download their Assessment Form when all enrolled subject is approved.
- The Student will pay the designated amount to the Cashier’s Office.
- The Cashier will issue an Official Receipt upon payment from students.
- The Student will present the Official Receipt to OAD.
- The Admission Officer will verify tuition fee payment and update student record.
- The Student will access their student account and download the Registration Form (Form 6) to verify their enrolled subjects.
- The admission officer will verify the completeness of the credentials and will endorse the applicant to the Records-in-Charge (RIC) of the Registration and Student Records and Evaluation Unit (RSREU).